
POVIR Satellite School

14 Feb, 2025 Oksana Dehtiarova 186

🎓🚀 Join 50 educational institutions that will receive special status from POVIR and EdCamp Ukraine!

We are launching a competitive selection process for schools whose students will have the opportunity to pilot the platform.

🔍 What is this initiative about?

“Satellite School in the POVIR Universe” is a unique opportunity for schools to partner with the educational POVIR platform ( where students can receive free, qualified academic support.

Offer your students POVIR – a safe and comfortable learning space designed through gamification!

Here, they will find professionals offering social-emotional support and educators who will help improve their knowledge and skills in Ukrainian, English, and mathematics through individualized learning approaches (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 

This initiative aims to:

✨ address educational losses and gaps among 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade students;

✨ support children engaged in various forms of education, including homeschooling;

✨ provide free professional development for educators (9 hours, with certification);

✨ facilitate experience-sharing and the collaborative implementation of modern teaching methods.

What will schools receive?

✅ Participation in innovative activities, including piloting digital solutions in general secondary education and joining the POVIR pilot partner network.

✅ Qualified support to ease teacher workloads in addressing student educational losses and gaps.

✅ Individualized assistance for 7th and 9th graders to enhance academic performance in focus areas identified as “growth zones” by trained mentors.

✅ The opportunity for 11th graders to review and analyze complex topics in a single selected subject offered by POVIR, as part of preparation for the National Multisubject Test (NMT).

✅ Parental outreach to enhance students’ motivation for learning.

✅ Professional support for parents of children in homeschooling.

✅ Free online training for educators, focusing on addressing educational losses and gaps.

✅ Priority access for students to future project stages after the pilot phase.

✅ A unique recognition as a "Satellite School in the POVIR Universe."

Applications for participation in the initiative are open ⏰ until January 20.

The fourth wave of piloting for your students will run from February to April.

Fill out the application form here 🔗 

#POVIRSatelliteSchool #EdCampUkraine


POVIR is implemented by the Ukrainian Institute of Educational Development, EdCamp Ukraine, Smart Osvita NGO, in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), at the request of the state, including the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science, and Innovation, the Presidential Advisory Council for Supporting the Development of the General Secondary Education System, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the “All-Ukrainian Online School” platform. The initiative is supported by the International Renaissance Foundation and is part of the Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement Activity funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in Ukraine by Pact (USAID/ENGAGE) The content of the POVIR platform is the sole responsibility of Pact and its partners and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.

The project is financially supported by Education Cannot Wait (#ECW).

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