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POVIR Platform’s 30 days of piloting

08 Sep, 2024 Vladyslav Akymenko 20

On May 1, we officially launched the POVIR educational platform, and in late June, during the National EdCamp POINT OF RESILIENCY 2024, presented the first results of its operations. 

On May 10, the platform opened for 540 children from grades 7 and 9 (we did not invite 11th graders this time, as in May they were completing their preparations for the National Multi Subject Test).

In total, 1,211 meetings in three formats have taken place on the platform, for which 7 out of 10 children assessed the meetings as A+. 

We learned the following about the first wave of students:

  • the children live in 24 regions of Ukraine, excluding Crimea. The “top” regions that students joined from were Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and Sumy regions,
  • some children joined from abroad (largely from Lithuania and Germany) and from the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk region,
  • 56% are girls and 44% are boys, of whom 53% are in the 7th grade and 46% are in the 9th grade.

According to numbers of applications, students want to make up for their educational losses mostly in English (41.5%), followed by Math, and then Ukrainian language.

The second wave of learning is starting very soon, so don't miss it.

If you’re interested in joining the Tutoring Programme, either as an educational institution or a tutor, contact us today.

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